The London Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic
Mr Ali S Taghi
Consultant Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeon
St Mary's Hospital, London W2
Tel. +44 7392000550
email: secretary@alitaghi.com
Publications (Articles and Abstracts)
Endoscopic Resection Of Mucocele Of Grista Galli. Mani Shidanshid, Ali Taghi, Romana Kuchai, Hesham Saleh. Ear Nose Throat J. 2015 Sept; 94(9): E23-5
Silastic Injection For Vocal Cord Medialiazation Results In False Positive Finding On F-18 FDG PET/CT. Ayman Mahfooz, Ali Taghi, Meeran Naji. Accepted for publication in Ear Nose Throat J. Sept: 94(9): E400-2
Double Seal Technique To Obliterate The Eustacian Tube. A Taghi, M Bentley, R Kuchai, H Saleh.. Journal of laryng and Otolary. 2015 August 25:1-4.
A Rare Case Of Bilateral Nasolabial Cysts. P Sethukumar, A Taghi, R Kuchai. BMJ Cases. 2015 Mar 20;2015. pii: bcr2014203543
Construct validity of the ovine model in endoscopic sinus surgery training. Z Awad, A Taghi, P Sethukumar, A Darzi, P Ziprin, N Tolley. The Laryngosocpye. 2015 Mar;125(3):539-4
Feasibility Of Using A Synthetic Temporal Bone Model For Training In Mastoidectomy, Face, Content And Concurrent Validity. Z Awad, A Taghi, S Ahmed, K Ghufoor, M Wareing, N Tolley. Otology and Neurotol. 2014 Dec;35(10):1813-8
The Current Management Of Sinonasal Infection In Children. Ali Taghi, Romana Kuchai, Hesham Saleh. ENT Masterclass Yearbook 2013. (Invited article)
Management of Bilateral Parotid Lipomatosis in a patient with HIV. A Cunningham, A Taghi, G Kaur, A Sandison, CE Cohen, W Grant. Head Neck. 2013 Sep;35(9):E264-6.
Rare Sarcoma Presented As Sinusitis. A Taghi, A Ali, R Kuchai, H Saleh. BMJ Case Rep. 2012 Aug 27;2012. pii: bcr0220125863. doi: 10.1136/bcr-02-2012-5863.
An Interesting Collection Of Paraneoplastic Syndromes In A Patient With A Malignant Thymoma. E Kidher, N Briceno, A Taghi, A Chukwuemeka. BMJ Case Rep. 2012 Jul 3;2012. pii: bcr0220125790. doi: 10.1136/bcr.02.2012.5790.
Role Of Craniofacial Resection In The Management Of Sinunasal Diseases. A Taghi, A Ali, P Clarke. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther. 2012 Sep;12(9):1169-76. doi: 10.1586/era.12.93. Review.
Nasal Sarcoidosis: – A Cause For A Medical Rhinoplasty. J van Griethuysen, R Kuchai, A Taghi, H Saleh. J Laryngol Otol. 2012 Oct;126(10):1073-6. Epub 2012 Jul 12.
Cervical Excision Of A Benign Sequestered Mediastinal Ectopic Thyroid Tissue Mass. A.D.Mace, S.Khalil, A.Taghi, G.Sandhu, A.Sandison. ISRN Surg. 011;2011:313626. doi: 10.5402/2011/313626. Epub 2011 Apr 17.
Barotraumatic Perforation Of The Pharyngo-Oesophagus Secondary To A Lambrini ‘Bottle Explosion’. Tavares, Ricardo; Taghi, Ali; Hewitt, Richard; Bentley, Melissa.. BMJ Case Reports 2009 [doi:10.1136/bcr.07.2009.2097].
Balloon Sinuplasty: Balloon-Catheter Dilation Of Paranasal Sinus Ostia For Chronic Rhinosinusitis. Taghi AS, Khalil SS, Mace AD, Saleh A H. Expert Rev Med Devices. 2009 Jul; 6(4):377-82.
Unusual Case Of Accessory Nose With Unilateral Choanal Atresia. Taghi A., Al Helo S. Saudi Med J 2008; Vol. 29 (9): 288-289
Management Pathway of Paediatric Orbitial cellulitis. Abstract (awaiting publishing in clinical otolaryngology). Presented in BACO July, 2015
Using Cumulative Summation To Draw Otolaryngology Trainees’ Learning Curves In Tonsillectomy. Z Awad, S Undakhat, P Zipprin, N Tolley, A Taghi, A Darzi. Otolaryngology -- Head and Neck Surgery 2013 149:p 45. DOI: 10.1177/0194599813495815a64
Optimal Endoscopic Management Of Sinonasal Inverted Papilloma: Recurrence Free Experience With Twenty-One Patients. Otolaryngology -- Head and Neck Surgery 2013 149: P132 DOI: 10.1177/0194599813495815a294
Permacole Purse; A Unique Application In Augmentation Rhinoplasty. E Edward, A Taghi, R Kuchai, H Saleh. International Journal of Surgery. Volume 10, Issue 8, Page S34, 2012
Nasal Sarcoidosis; A Cause For Medical Rhinoplasty. V Griethuysen J, Kuchai R, Taghi AS, Saleh HA.. Accepted as a poster for the BRS annual meeting in RCSED. Edinburgh 15th May 2011
Endoscopic Approach To Skull Base Tumours. Charing Cross Hospital Experience. A Taghi, R Kuchai, N Mendoza, H Saleh. 1st Congress of the Confederation of the European ORL-HNS from July 2-6
Management Of Recalcitrant CSF Leak Post Skull Base Surgery. A Taghi, R Kucai, H Saleh.. 1st Congress of the Confederation of the European ORL-HNS from July 2-6
Primary Management Of CSF Leak Post Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery; The Use of Vascular Pedicle Naso-Septal Flap.
A Taghi, R Kuchai, W Grant, N Mendoza. 1st Congress of the Confederation of the European ORL-HNS from July 2-6
Nasal Sarcoidosis; A Cause For Medical. V Griethuysen J, Kuchai R, Taghi AS, Saleh HA. Rhinoplasty J Laryngol Otol. 2012 Oct;126(10):1073-6
Be Aware of Polyp. James Howard, Ali Taghi, Peter Clarke.. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology / Volume 125 / Issue 02, e1. Published online: 25 November 2010. DOI:10.1017/S0022215110002458
A Rare Sarcoma Presented As Sinusitis. Ali Taghi, Melisa Bentley, Hesham Saleh. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology / Volume 125 / Issue 02, e1 Published online: 25 November 2010. DOI:10.1017/S0022215110002458
Management Of Type III Laryngotracheal Cleft: an unusual delayed presentation in an adult. Khalil SS, Taghi AS, Butler C, Sandhu GS.. Clini Otolaryngol. 2009 Jul;34 Suppl 1:1-138
CUSUM curve as tool to assess trainee’s learning curve in tonsillectomy training. BACO, July 2015
Periorbital cellulitis management pathway audit. BACO, July 2015
Can Simulation Be Used For Assessing Endoscopic Rhinology Skills. American Academy of Otolaryngology, HNS Expo. Orlando. FL. Sept 2014
Binary Vs Likert Scale In Assessing Endscopic Rhinology Skills On Sheep Heads. Annual meeting of the faculty of surgical trainers. RCSEd Birmingham Oct. 2013
Can We Predict Operative Performance In Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Lab. ENT UK Annual Conference. ORS section Poster presentation. Sept. 2013
Construct Validity of The Ovine Model In Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. ENT UK Annual Conference. ORS section Poster presentation. Sept. 2013
Using Cumulative Summation To Draw Otolaryngology Trainees’ Learning Curves In Tonsillectomy. American Academy of Otolaryngology, HNS Expo. Vancouver. Sept 2013
Optimal Endoscopic Management Of Sinonasal Inverted Papilloma: Recurrence Free Experience With Twenty-One Patients.
American Academy of Otolaryngology, HNS Expo. Vancouver. Sept 2013
Permacole Purse; A Unique Application In Augmentation Rhinoplasty. ​AsiT annual meeting . RCSEd
Endoscopic Approach To The Anterior Skull Base; Our Experience. International Conference of Medical City- Baghdad Iraq. 15th Dec 2011
CSF Leak Repair; Our Experience So Far. International Conference of Medical City- Baghdad Iraq. 15th Dec 2011
Nasal Sarcoidosis; A Cause For Medical Rhinoplasty. Accepted BRS annual meeting in RCSED. Edinburgh 15th May 2011
Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery Experience At Imperial College London. International Baghdad Medical City Conference. Dec 2011.
CSF Leak Repair; Our Experience So Far. International Baghdad Medical City Conference. Dec 2011.
Endoscopic Approach To Skull Base Tumours. Charing Cross Hospital Experience. 1st Congress of the Confederation of the European ORL-HNS from July 2-6
Management Of Recalcitrant CSF Leak Post Skull Base Surgery. 1st Congress of the Confederation of the European ORL-HNS from July 2-6
Primary Management Of CSF Leak Post Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery; The Use Of Vascular Pedicle Naso-Septal Flap. 1st Congress of the Confederation of the European ORL-HNS from July 2-6
Extended Endoscopic Endonasal Trans-Sphenoidal Approach To Resect Tuberculum Meningioma; Retrospective Report Of 12 Consecutive Cases. 8th British Skull Base Meeting. Southampton 20th-21st Jan. 2011 (paper).
Vascular Pedicle Nasoseptal Flap As A Reconstructive Option In Extended Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery. 8th British Skull Base Meeting. Southampton 20th-21st Jan. 2011
Double Seal Technique To Obliterate ET Orifice In Cases Of Recalcitrant CSF Leak. 8th British Skull Base Meeting. Southampton 20th-21st Jan. 2011.
Adult Airway Reconstruction; Charing Cross Hospital Experience. Ground Round presentation. Cincinnati Children Medical Centre. Ohio. Cincinnati. December 2010
Management of anterior skull base surgery; the role of craniofacial resection. International Medical Association 2nd April 2010
Management Of Type III Laryngotracheal Cleft: An Unusual Delayed Presentation In An Adult.13th British Academic Conference in Otolaryngology and ENT Expo, 8-10th July 2009
Face, Content And Concurrent Validity Of The Pettigrew Temporal Bone Trainer. Submitted to RSM Dec. 2013
Be Aware Of Nasal Polyp; Semon Club. Guy’s Hospital. London. 20th Nov. 2009
A Rare Sarcoma Presented As Sinusitis. Semon Club. Guy’s Hospital. London. 20th Nov. 2009.
Report On Visiting Fellowship To Uoa. Toynbee club meeting. May 2013
What Matters Most? Imperial ENT regional meeting. London Feb2013
To ligate or not to ligate. Toynbee Club Meeting. Imperial College. London. Feb.2013
Atypical TB Adenitis. Toynbee Club Meeting. Imperial College London. Dec. 2012
Surgical Management Of Facial Palsy. Grand round. St Mary’s hospital. Dec.2012
Unusual Case of Septal Schwannoma. Semon Club. Guy’s Hospital. London. March 2012
Dysphonia. Robin Spears Lecture. St Bartholomew’s Hospital. March 2012.
Choosing the Right Facial Flaps. Toynbee Club Meeting. St Mary’s Hospital. London 22nd Sept 2011
Three Quickies (Skull Base Tumours Research Updates). Toynbee Club Annual Research Meeting. St Mary’s Hospital. London July 2011.
Spasmodic Dysphonia. Toynbee Club Meeting. St Mary’s Hospital. London. 5th May 2011
Laryngomalacia (The Soft Larynx) Comprehensive Management Approach.Toynbee Club Meeting. St Mary’s Hospital. London 26th May 2011
Surgical Management of Parotid Lipomatosis Due to HIV. Grand round at Charing Cross Hospital. London May 2011
Paediatrics Airway Management; Cincinnati Children Medical Centre Experience.Joint Academy Meeting of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Departments at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. 1st Feb 2011.
Imaging of nasopharyngeal carcinoma An evidence based approach. Imperial College. Charing Cross Hospital. Jan 2010